Smokey Row Coffee Shop is a Big Hit (Polls Shmolls)!!! (Gretchen and Sophia)

Today, KidUnity went to see Martin O’Malley’s rally at the Smokey Row Coffee Shop. Not only did the student reporters get to interview O’Malley fans rallying outside, but we also talked to Governor Martin O’Malley and Dr. Ben Carson! We even gave them high-fives! Gia and Sophia asked some hard questions that the candidates got stumped on:


1. (Gia’s question) “Today we were looking at the polls and it stated that Clinton is at 45%, Sanders is at 42%, and O’Malley at 3%. If you were to drop out of the race, who would you want your supporters to go to?”

Answer: “I’m not answering poll questions. I’m not dropping out of the race and I want my supporters to stay strong because I am here to defy expectations. I want my supporters to talk to their friends in the caucus — usually the caucus doesn’t turn out the way the polls say. Polls shmolls!” (P.S. there was a girl in the background saying #Staystrong.)

Ben Carson:

1. (Sophia’s question): “How will you defeat ISIS?”

Answer: Carson said that we should study Islam to see why they are fighting us in the first place. We also need to deploy more soldiers in Iraq and Syria to fight them (Carson then started talking about how ISIS is a relatively new terrorist group and how they don’t have that much land. He also said how they didn’t have that much land during the Ottoman Empire — what?).

Sophia Lindus interviewing Ben Carson

Sophia Lindus interviewing Ben Carson


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