Hillary Clinton Makes a Final Stand Before Caucuses (Noah and Jackson)

CaGSbNNUAAAQa3mLast night the entire KidUnity team attended Hillary Clinton’s final rally before the Iowa Caucuses. Hillary wasn’t the only person we got to see. We also got to see Tom Harkin and his wife, Ruth Harkin. Amazingly, Tom Harkin was the former Iowa senator! Two other people also made a huge appearance at the rally. Former President, Bill Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton, talked about Hillary and how she was such an amazing person. They told us all about Hillary and how fantastic a person she was. They told us how she would never give up and how she was extremely prepared by being the Secretary of State! Then,  Hillary herself came and spoke. She talked about a very wide range of issues that she would solve. She said that she would solve the issue of equal pay for women. She talked about gun control. She talked about healthcare. Although Hillary talked about each issue thoroughly, one thing she mentioned repeatedly was how the Republicans would ruin the United States of America.

Overall, the Clinton Rally was very cool and seeing Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and their daughter, really inspired KidUnity.




(Noah & Jackson)

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